About Us

Yodel Mental Health Developmental Disabilities, Inc. was originally established in 1999, under the assumed named Educational Computer Literacy Concepts. We were awarded a contract by the First Cerebral Palsy of New Jersey for the people with Developmental Disabilities, to develop them towards independent living in the scope of individualized computer training and literacy educational programs.
The Student users were able to familiarize themselves with the basic operation of a personal computer in a windows environment. Student users was able to possess some degrees of proficiency using mouse, keyboard, and touch pad, intelligent key and touch screen and any other devices that apply to each user's condition. Students were primarily able to explore the world of work, individualized proficiency in literacy, day to day mathematics and skill development for each individual student.
As an Executive Director, I have the experience of life in Nursing Home for four years (4) and group home, Cheshire home in Florham Park for one (1) year before I was moved to an apartment. I was in wheelchair for twelve years, paralyzed only was able to move my thumb, during this time in nursing home, I went through to get my Bachelors degree and was in Masters level when I secured an apartment. Miraculously today I am independently walking with only a cane, and have wife and children. This has motivated me to want to strive to improve the quality of life of the group people which I belong.
Our current services with the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) are Housing/Development, Employment/Day Services, Self - Directed Services for Real Life Choices, Individual Supports and Respites, and Supported Employments, Medical Levels 1-6 and Behavior Levels 1-4 for adults and children eligible for services from DDD. Real Life Choice participants purchase services and supports based on an individual and family budget. The individual and family purchase services and supports from us as a qualified provider to achieve the outcomes they have identified in their Plan of Care.
Yodel Mental Health Developmental Disabilities staff is dedicated to our consumers and our community. Our Personal Care Aides, Companion, Individual Support Aides, Mentors, Nurses, provide individual supports, respites in acute, short, and long term care. Our services are personalized to meet the needs of those we serve and the level of our agency care services contributes to the physical, psychological, and social well being of our consumers.
Help the families to identify the particular needs of the service recipients and uniquely tailor it to suit them via the personalized plan of Care, ELP.
Support the families in making wise decisions in planning for services and facilitation of the type of care through other service support team and other community resources. For example, support health practitioners, therapist, psychologists, etc.
Work with the individuals' social worker/ personnel assigned to individual at Division of Developmental Disability and support family to enhance and ensure quality service.
Collate data regarding the personalized plan of care and goals
Provide, teach and assist with activities of daily living.
Provide transportation for community activities to meet the needs and goals of the service recipient through private or public transportation approved by the DDD.
Constantly and consistently evaluate and assess the progress of the individual
Help the service recipient build up them to reach their optimum potential in terms of the realistic goals.
Assist service recipients in recognizing areas that will be of benefit to them from early intervention
Assist in providing essential services within the interdisciplinary team consisting of such professionals like the physical therapist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, etc. as part of a full day program.
We can achieve this through by following the approve ELP for the individual consumer.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide every consumer, regardless of age, race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, gender, preference, national origin, disability the highest quality services available. Through our support services we will assist mental, physical, and make sure the rights to which a person legally entitled are protected, and that they are given the help they need, also social well being of our consumers. We will honor their homes/facilities and be courteous and professional at all times. Because we are committed to our cause we will continually strive to improve our consumers quality of life by helping individuals to achieve and maintain their maximum independence which will allow them to remain in the comfort of their home.